Thank you for choosing IT Support Specialists! We understand the critical importance of reliable IT systems and robust cybersecurity measures, especially in healthcare organizations where patient care is paramount. Our focus is on providing seamless, efficient, and secure IT solutions tailored to the unique needs of healthcare providers in North East Ohio.

Treating Patients, Treating Family. This Is How ITSS Takes Care Of Us

Business is difficult, but having your IT company help you save money and grow your business is priceless. Family taking care of family is the ITSS business model. It works for us and would work for you too!

Dr. Keith Owner
Heart Healthy Homes

Here's what you can expect when you partner with us:

  • High-Security, High-Availability IT Systems: We implement state-of-the-art IT infrastructure designed to ensure maximum security and availability. Our systems are built to withstand cyber threats and provide uninterrupted access to critical healthcare applications and data.
  • Anytime, Anywhere Access: With our solutions, you can access your IT resources from any device, anywhere, and at any time. Whether you're in the office, at home, or on the go, you'll have seamless access to the tools you need to deliver exceptional patient care.
  • Minimal Downtime: We understand that downtime can disrupt patient care and productivity. That's why we prioritize proactive monitoring and maintenance to minimize downtime and keep your operations running smoothly.
  • Comprehensive Cybersecurity Program: Our cybersecurity program is tailored to the healthcare industry's specific compliance requirements. We implement multi-layered security measures to safeguard sensitive patient information and ensure compliance with regulations such as HIPAA.
  • Expertise in Compliance: Compliance is non-negotiable in the healthcare sector. Our team of compliance experts stays up-to-date with the latest regulations and best practices to keep your organization compliant at all times.

By choosing IT Support Specialists, you're not just getting IT support – you're gaining a trusted partner dedicated to helping your healthcare organization thrive in today's digital landscape. Let us handle your IT needs so you can focus on what matters most – providing exceptional care to your patients.